It is becoming increasingly difficult for businesses to operate successfully not just in Australia, but around the world.
Various factors such as COVID-19 have resulted in an economic downturn, particularly in the retail, hospitality and travel sectors. Business that service these sectors are also being challenged by the changes that have resulted from the downturn.
With this in mind, many business owners and operators are looking for any way possible, not just to make money, but to also save money.
A major cost for many businesses is Public Liability Insurance, with insurance costs rising dramatically in recent years. In fact, insurance companies are now refusing to insure some operators they consider too risky, such as companies that clean shopping centres. Unfortunately, Public Liability Insurance is a necessity for businesses that have interactions with members of the general public.
The reason for the escalating insurance cost is the number of successful claims for injuries due to negligence that have been made against many companies. Some of these payouts have been for significant sums of money. This is an increasing burden for insurance companies and too much for an uninsured company to wear by themselves.
The solution to this problem is detailed in our white paper “The Solution to Cheaper Public Liability Insurance for Cleaning and Building Services”. This paper details the causes for the rising costs and then goes through the steps that can be taken to help your business minimise risks and obtain access to better value Public Liability Insurance.
To get your copy of “The Solution to Cheaper Public Liability Insurance for Cleaning and Building Services” click here.