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Shopping Centre Management

Manage the safety and security of shopping precincts by ensuring that staff perform duties to the correct standards.

Shopping centre security


The provision of security is vitally important for the safety of both customers and retailers. As well as presenting the location of security officers at all times, staff tracking systems allow for the reporting of incidents including record taking such as photographs and signatures.

Shopping centre cleaning


Cleaning services are vital for both the safety and visible appeal of shopping centres. Staff attendance tracking confirms that cleaning rotations have been completed according to the correct timeframes and standards and allow for the reallocation of staff where required.

Improve staff performance

Performance Improvements

Staff attendance tracking automates the performance monitoring of staff, contractors, and subcontractors, simplifying the identification and correction of problems, subsequently allowing for improvements in the management of work processes and safety.

Keeping contractor agreements

Contract Compliance

The electronic collection and storage of staff performance data provides definitive proof that services were performed within the agreed standards that were set out in contracts and legal frameworks, reducing the chance of financial damages, including lost contracts.

Automated digital reporting


Electronic tracking makes the reporting of staff performance both accurate and straightforward, with automated reports regularly sent to all relevant stakeholders such as managers, clients, and, if required, regulatory organisations.

Reduce costs

Cost Effective

The long-term monitoring of staff performance enables ongoing improvements in efficient service delivery making electronic staff attendance tracking systems cost effective when comparing benefits to costs over the lifetime of a contract.

personal injury claims and public liability insurance


Definitive proof of service, such as cleaning rotations, minimises the risks of personal injury claims, loss of public liability insurance and the resulting potential loss of contracts. An additional benefit is the reduction in insurance premium costs.

Customer satisfaction

Customer Satisfaction

An improved level of cleanliness and safety, along with fewer customer disputes and complaints, increases the feeling of customer wellbeing and satisfaction. Higher foot traffic results in higher rental returns and property values.

Require solutions that drive improved staff performance?

Contact our friendly sales team today to learn how staff tracking can improve your business.

02 9671 7777