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Council Services Monitoring

Keep track of the management and safety of public facilities, from incident reporting to worker KPIs.

Providing proof of cleaning for rate payers

Proof of Service

Electronic tracking helps deal with complaints from the general public. It is the best way to guarantee proof that bins have been emptied on time. Reports can be scheduled to be automatically sent to clients to avoid delays.

Keeping council parks clean and maintained

Parks and Gardens

Geofencing can be used to track the servicing of large areas with multiple facilities, such as bins, toilets, barbeques, and playground equipment that require a range of tasks to be performed. Forms with task checklists can be customised for each of these areas.

Record of cleaning of public toilets

Public Toilets

Keep a digital record of the cleaning of public facilities, including the time a date, checklist of work to be completed and incidents forms with options for written descriptions and photos of damage.

Proof of servicing street bins

Street Bins

Discretely placed NFC or RFID checkpoints are idea for definitively proving that all street bins are opened and emptied according to the time schedule. UniGuard checkpoints are long wearing and designed to work on metal bins.

Damaged QR Code

Vandal Proof

Checkpoints such as barcodes and QR codes can be easily damaged or destroyed. GPS and geofencing are good alternatives in areas prone to vandalism, where records of damage as well as servicing and repairs can be maintained.

Digital records of council work for rate payers

Digital Records

Over time, records created and kept in paper form take a large amount of physical space, money and time to store, maintain and retrieve when there is an issue. Digital data is easier to store securely, retrieve and analyse when required.

Easy to use with gloved hands

Easy to Use

The UniGuard app has simple interfacing making it easy to use. Both the custom-built recorders and the phone apps can be used with gloved hands, allowing workers to quickly scan checkpoints while emptying bins.

Council maintenance workers in isolation

Lone Workers

The safety of staff working alone, remotely, or at night can be ensured using the UniGuard lone workers features, which include free fall motion, shock, and idle detection, along with a request call-back button which sends an alert to the supervisor.

Keeping contractor agreements


Just as the UniGuard system can help you prove to your rate payers that services are being provided, it can also let you know that anyone you contract will do the work you are paying them to do, giving you peace of mind.

"The system provides an opportunity for the business to measure the performance of our security company, thus providing a safer environment for the community."

Saresh Sharma, Hills Shire Council

Find out about UniGuard today

Contact our team to find out about the UniGuard security guard management system

02 9671 7777