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Who Are Our Clients

Many client - many requirements, one solution - UniGuard


UniGuard or ValuTronics as it was then known, has a history going back to 1997. The company accumulated clients from diverse fields, and spread into industries in parallel to Security, some seemingly unrelated to our target audience, which was the original scope for our operation.

A diverse variety of industries, including Security, cleaning, servicing, logistics and process control, could be found with UniGuard on their intranets or accessible online, our equipment remains in use widely throughout their departments.

It is not just national and international companies that use UniGuard, anyone from a one man show up use UniGuard and the excellent after sales service that we provide to provide proof of service and duty of care to their clients throughout their operation.

In Australia, our clients number in the thousands of users of UniGuard, with roughly 150 clients being major national companies. UniGuard has been utilised by thousands of companies in Australia alone for many years with great success.

We thank our supporters, most of whose business we have enjoyed since shortly after we started, and we promise to keep them at the forefront of our technology.

It is with their (your) input that allows us to make tools that allow you the advantage to quote a better price than your opposition in tenders, and to maintain an undisputable proof of service and achieving the full satisfaction of your contract, while minimising insurance claims.


"Using it for litter bins is a bit outside of your normal scope, but it actually does a really, really good job for me in doing that, so I don’t mind using it out of the box because it’s invaluable to me. It does everything I was hoping and possibly a little bit more."

Christopher Nock, Wellington Shire Council

"Being able to show clients the movement of guards on their sites has enabled us to gain respect and trust from our clients."

Peter Jenner, Python Security Services

"I really like the support that goes with the product as I have had a few occasions where I have needed help and my challenges get sorted very quickly."

Carolyn Blake, Trident Security Services

"UniGuard ensures accountability of the officers on patrol and ensures that the customers are made aware of the patrolling of the officers."

Brian Willis, Wilson Security

"With UniGuard we don't have to worry about the guards now, we know they are doing the job properly. Also the reports made our job easy."

Rob Miell, Jewel Security

"The system provides an opportunity for the business to measure the performance of our security company, thus providing a safer environment for the community."

Saresh Sharma, Hills Shire Council

"Our clients like the accountability. Our officers like their rear end being covered."

Andrew Hooker, Omega Security

"UniGuard tells our clients that we are providing them what they are paying for."

Louay Alchaar, Wollongong City Security

"UniGuard has enabled me to tell clients when and what time the patrols were done with NO arguments. It has also allowed for a time frame to be made as to when an incident has occurred and police are involved."

Tony Aubeck, S.C.E.M Security

"With UniGuard there is no wasting time on charging the batteries."

Nabil Said, Australian Protection Security

Like What You See?

Contact our sales team today for an obligation free quote.

02 9671 7777