Over the past two decades guard tour management systems have revolutionised the way security companies manage their businesses. As the industry has evolved, and technology has improved the systems have changed with them.
What are the 5 key ways that guard management systems have enhanced the security industry?
Run Sheets
An integral element of any business is managing staff workflows and performance. For the security industry this is made more difficult because the guards need to work in locations that are remote to the main office, with some guards required to move from site to site during a shift.
Using software to plan and schedule the time and location of security guard patrols not only makes it easier and more efficient but eliminates many of the problems associated with doing this manually. Patrol routes, visit intervals and tasks can be mapped out and sent to the guard, eliminating mistakes and confusion.
Supervisors can watch the progress of patrols live, giving them the opportunity to fix issues as they occur before it’s too late.
Cost Saving
A reduction in expenses is a natural benefit of increasing the efficiency of any operation. Apart from making sure that time and money isn’t wasted by sending people to the wrong location at the wrong time, and freeing up the supervisor’s time for other duties, electronic systems give you the ability to stand back and look at the bigger picture.
Data collected over time can be analysed showing managers when and where services are most needed, and how operations can be performed in the most efficient way possible. Over time, trends can be assessed with the possibility of making future prediction that allow the business to get ahead of the opposition.
Guard Safety
Many guards are reluctant to use attendance recorders even though there are clear benefits. Guard tour systems incorporate safety features such as free fall motion, shock, and idle detection.
In addition, activating the request call-back button sends an alert to the supervisor via the web dashboard, email or SMS message. Incidents such as vandalism can also be reported by entering written descriptions, photographs, and signatures into custom built forms.
Contract Compliance
Recent changes in economic conditions have resulted in a rethink from many people who contract security services. There is now an increased expectation that security companies demonstrate when services have been delivered in the agreed manner. Electronic tracking provides indisputable proof of service.
Industry bodies such as ASIAL also aim to improve the image of the security sector through standards in industry behaviour. These codes of practices list out the preferred ways that security companies can achieve these goals. Adhering to industry best practice can then become an excellent selling point for any business.
Client Satisfaction
Another good selling point, arguably the best, is word of mouth from satisfied customers. The best way to get satisfied customers is demonstrating that you have delivered your service to your customers expectation, or better. Proving great service is central to guard tracking systems.
A good guard tour system makes this easy by automatically sending reports to you managers and clients at a pre-scheduled time that is convenient for everyone. Electronic reporting also saves on physical paperwork, making it easier to store and manage, and allow reports to reach your clients faster and cheaper.
To learn more about how the UniGuard guard tour management system can help your business get ahead, contact us today.